lunes, 5 de marzo de 2018


Phrases of some dictionary that I steal and gift and then it is difficult to back out.

Phrases that involve promises and then weigh me because the promises begin to bind.

I told you that I loved you, at the time it was the truth how I explain to you, how I explain to you that I never loved.

Light and shadow in my path, because I do not know where I'm going, because I love and then I forget, because today, yes, not tomorrow.

I do not know what you will look for in my combination of yellow and gray, how do I explain to you, how do I explain that I do not.

Light and shadow in my path, because I do not know where I'm going, because I love and then forget, because today yes, tomorrow.

Because I do not know what I want and I go back to making a mistake and I look for myself if I die and I hurt myself again.

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